Monday 1 December 2008

24th November 2008

In this shoot we had initialy planned that the sequence would go on for around 30 seconds and would be the climax of the sequence. However when we arrived at the location we had realised that it was no where big enough to take up the 30 seconds because it was only a small stretch of road and our plan was to run down it. After the first take we realised that it would only take around 5 seconds for them to run down it. We had orginally planned to do jump cuts for the sequence but again due to the size of the location it would have looked very awkward and fast if we did so. Instead I filmed out of my mums car as we drove alongside Jake and Nick to see them sprint down. After this I placed the camera at the top of the slope and filmed them both run down. This would allow us to have more footage and we would be able to make the scequence longer than 5 seconds. Also we filmed a scene when Jake and Nick had stopped running and went around a corner to hide. However due to the limitations of the camera the shot looked very dark and you could not make out what was going on very well.
We found out that light was quite a big issue again in this shoot because we did it straight after school and so it was still quite light. We knew it had to be darker because our other shoot was in virtually pitch black. The light did start to fade though and in the end the light was perfect because you could still make out what was going on and it was still dark enough to fit in with our other footage.

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