Thursday 16 October 2008

Editing of Preliminary Shooting Task

During the editing process we found that it was very effective in enhancing our piece of film. At first we were not too convinced with our piece of filming and how it fitted together, but however after the editing process we were happy that we had created a respectable piece of film. We found it quite difficult to start off with as we had to try and cut the film up we had created into smaller scenes and so they fitted together. We also came across the problem that we did not have enough film and did not have enough time to go and shoot more shots so therefore we had to cut the end of one shot and paste it at the end of the film to make it look as if it was a reaction shot. After this we watched back the film and realised that there was a lot of background noise which disturbed the shooting and was not relevant to the film. As this was the case we decided to cut out this audio and put in some music over the top. We added this in but then had to fade the music out when the dialogue started. From here we decided we wished to add another effect to our film, this being slowmotion. We added this in to the first three shots of our film which fitted well with the music we had inserted. Finally to make it more of an accomplished piece we decided to add rolling credits at the end of the film with the music fading back in over the top.

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