Wednesday 15 October 2008

Storyboard of Preliminary Shooting Task

Before we set out filming the actual film, we had to create a storyboard, this was for a number of reasons. Firstly, by doing this, we had a rough basis or outline of scenes we wanted to include and how we were going to shoot them, which made filming a lot easier than if we were to simply improvise when we got to the locations. This was because when filming, we could adapt the shots we had initially thought up to make them more effective in conveying what we wanted it to, without it taking up a lot of time.
However, we did come across some problems when trying to film shots that we had and also hadn't storyboarded previous to filming. Firstly, we found that we had to change location of some of our shots because the ones we had thought we were going to choose were busy or unaccessible. Secondly, we found that we did not have enough shots, so we came up with new ones in order to create a longer, but also more accomplished final product, which would fulfil all the criteria of the set task.
Despite these problems, we found our storyboarding very helpful and effective in improving the quality of our actual video.

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