Wednesday 5 November 2008

Evaluation of Audience Research

Considering our genre was British urban gangster we thought it would be suitable to direct our questionnaire to young males. As this was our target audience it was very easy to gain access to this audience as we could use fellow students in our year. To gain access to this audience we went to the library in a free period and handed it out to sixth formers in this area. By doing this we were able to receive the questionnaires back within minutes. In the end we were able to receive 16 questionnaires back and we believed this was enough to gain the information we needed. The first three questions in our questionnaire were used to find a bit about the person filling in the questionnaire, finding out their names, ages and gender. By doing this we were able to see how opinions differed depending on age and gender. We then listed six films and asked the respondant to rate the films out of ten, by doing this we were able to see what films our target audience liked the most and we could maybe take elements from this film and use it in our own opening sequence. We then asked questions relating to what people thought and expected of the genre British urban gangster. We asked what images people expected of this genre, what the characters should be like, what elements should feature in this genre and if they like films which comformed to their expectations. By doing this we could see what people expected of a typical film of this genre and then use these elements in our opening sequence. The last question of our questionnaire was to find out what the target audience thought of our 4 possible titles for the film. From our results we were able to find out a lot of usefull information which could help us in creating our opening sequence. We found out that the target audiences favourite film out of the list we offered was Snatch. This film is a gangster film with an element of humour. From our results we found that the target audience liked a film which comformed to their expectations and it had to have an urban location and had to include crime, drugs and violence. The target audience believed the anti hero should be tough, violent and fearless. We can take this into account and use this to create our characters. People believed that the best title was 'The Come Up' with 'Lad Land' just behind. So therefore we have chosen to call our film 'The Come Up' and our one liner be 'Welcome to Lad Land'. We thought that all our questions were useful to us but a few of them could of been improved. For the question in which was asked the respondent to rate the films, we found that some of the respondants hadn't seen some of the films so therefore we could not gain a true representation of what film was the favourite. Also we had two questions which were very similar based on what images and what props they expected from our genre, these two questions gave very similar results so we could of replaced one of these questions with another, more useful question.

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