Monday 17 November 2008

Filming, 9th November 2008

This was on the same weekend as our first attempt, but luckily we were able to get a tape and so could still do this part of filming. It went quite well overall, at first we thought there would be a problem with the lighting however we were able to use artificial light effectively and in the end we were able to make it look good. We also plan to change the darkness of the shots in post film editing which should hopefully improve it further. During this editing, we are also going to have a look at changing the colour filtering because the indoor lighting we used made a lot of the shots look very pinky which doesn't suite the genre of the film. We were quite happy with the filming we got done in this session, and liked the camera work in a lot of the shots we did, for example this scenes using handicam worked well and helped to create tension in the scene. Although the filming went well, we found it much harder than we first anticipated, and in the end, very few of the shots were actually the same as the ones we planned in our storyboard.

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