Tuesday 4 November 2008

Synopsis of Opening Sequence

The first shots of our opening sequence are of character #1 checking out the house to make sure the house is empty and checking the exits. This character then calls the character #2 who is waiting in an alley at the top of the road using a mobile phone. There is then a shot of a blank black screen revealing the time. This then cuts to character #1 and character #2 then go down the side of the house and break in through the side door. These two characters then rummage around the house looking for an unkown something, during this there are shots of someone in a car pulling up to the house and is clearly the owner of the house. These two link up so the two characters run out the house, not having found the thing they were looking for, as the owner of the house returns. Character #1 and character #2 are then shown running away down a hill and then hiding beneath a bridge catching their breath. This then cuts to a title screen revealing the title of the film 'The Come Up' and the one liner 'Welcome to Lad Land'. All through this opening sequence music is playing, starting slow and repitive and then breaking in as the characters are running away.

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